Welcome to Freedom Life Fellowship
This is a Place of Restoration
In essentials… unity. In non-essentials… liberty. In all things… charity.

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We are a people who gather each week to celebrate God and His goodness. Our time together also serves as a springboard to strengthen our relationships and build new friendships.
We are a people who worship God through service, character, and praise. For us, worship encompasses every aspect of life. It is not confined to a service where songs are sung. It is a heart that is ready to do the revealed will of God regardless of what that might require.
We are a people who honor the Bible as God’s unchangeable revelation to mankind. Because of this, we see the Bible as the ultimate measure for truth that defines how life is to be lived.
We are a people who relate through organic and natural relationships. God designed us to be in relationship with each other. This is a high value for us.
We are a people who give in order to honor God, show hospitality, fund ministry, and meet needs.
We are a people who serve others in our communities, cities, nation, and the world through divinely led opportunities. Jesus said we become light to the world when we do good works in their world in such a way that it causes them to give glory to God (Matthew 5:14-16).
We are a people who tell the story of God. God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself (2 Corinthians 5:19). We believe we have a responsibility to share the story of Jesus and what His death and resurrection mean to every person on earth. But we believe that our sharing should be done naturally while doing life with those not a part of our spiritual family. We want to BE good news to people before we share the good news.